Since then I've been tweaking the deck, and after running the numbers, I've come up with a list that I am pretty happy with. My biggest divergence from this is my lack of Grim Lavamancer: I would just rather have Spikeshot Elder, I feel Grim just sits around without enough graveyard cards to be effective half the time.
Here is the list I recommend: it is 5 cards off from what I ran at States. In light of recent events I'm planning to move from RDW to Primetime (Primieval Titan)... anything not blue makes me happy. :-)
- Main Deck
- 18 Mountain
- 4 Stromkirk Noble
- 4 Stormblood Berserker
- 4 Shrine of Burning Rage
- 4 Incinerate
- 3 Arc Trail
- 3 Brimstone Volley
- 3 Koth of the Hammer
- 3 Chandra's Phoenix
- 2 Hero of Oxid Ridge
- 3 Rootbound Crag
- 2 Spikeshot Elder
- 2 Grim Lavamancer
- 2 Volt Charge
- 1 Geistflame
- 1 Goblin Arsonist
- 1 Gut Shot
- Sideboard
- 4 Volshok Refugee
- 3 Ancient Grudge
- 1 Traitorous Blood
- 1 Arc Trail
- 1 Hero of Oxid Ridge
- 1 Perilous Myr
- 1 Manic Vandal
- 1 Manabarbs
- 2 Dismember
Good luck slinging spells!
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